Features Overview

below you will find all the silly, random things that i deemed worthy to share with you, a stranger, online.  enjoy!


t r a v e l s 

to be honest, this tab is more for me than you.  my memory is TERRIBLE.

t u n e s

no, i don't play any instruments.  i also can't sing for shit. but i can't live without music and have managed to see quite a few amazing shows. its probably bands you've never heard of because my taste is music is 100% better than yours.



f r e e   t i m e   h o g s 


"hobbies" sounded lame.  this isn't an online dating profile (or is it?)


t h e   g o o d e s t   d o g e s

my dogs' mother was a whore.  they are from the same litter but have different fathers!  click da pic to see the freaks.




s q u a d

no jokes in here.  i have an amazing group of friends around me. and this is my turn to shout it from the rooftops. warning: there are gonna be tons of (bomb-ass) selfies at that link.